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NEW! Wednesday Prepped Practices

May 27 2011

With the summer heat now in full swing, ClubMX Training Facility is proud to announce that we will now be offering services to the general public with weekly prepped practices held every Wednesday throughout the hot summer months for all looking to avoid the dry, dusty tracks! We get tons of riders contacting us every week about open practice, and until now we have been focusing 100% on the full time members training here at ClubMX. We now feel we have became more organized and efficient with our operations and will be able to have the track 100% ready not only for our members living here, but as well as to the public on Wednesdays as part of our weekly program! Our members here at ClubMX have the facility private on in the morning hours, and at Noon we open the tracks to daily riders, giving the full time riders here at the Club some new faces to ride with as well!

The track will be watered throughout the entire day during operating hours, and will continue to be a dust free facility. The front motocross track will be fully watered and prepped for your riding pleasures. We have made allot of recent changes to our front track, changing sections, layouts and adding new sections. The pro national style track has recently seen 100+ truck loads of clay mixed into the sandy soil giving it a nice loam mix. We have landscaped underneath large patches of trees to provide shaded, grass parking areas for your pleasure.

This is your once a week chance to ride one of the top motocross tracks in the nation, every Wednesday, from Noon - 4pm, throughout the summer months for $25. Our aim is to have a prepped track with a large amount of riders on this practice day to develop and simulate race type conditions with the track. Guaranteed wet every time you show up or you ride for free!
Come be a part of a facility that is built by riders, for riders, taking your input and putting it to use. With proper participation we will continue to work on more open practice days.

For More information, please contact: 507-269-9736