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Mental Training: Going Beyond the Physical

January 22 2014

Are you pushing yourself to the limits physically but still not improving your game?

Do you feel you have reached a plateau?

Do you lead an active healthy lifestyle but still not achieving optimal health?

Well, you may have overlooked the most important piece of your training program or healthy lifestyle.

It is common for those that are active, and athletes training for a specific sport, that their lifestyle or program focuses mostly on exercise. Although the physical component is important, it is a very one-dimensional approach to achieving ultimate body performance and health. Additionally, most agree that nutrition plays a key role; but how many individuals and athletes spend time to train their brain?

The majority of top athletes today are fairly equal in terms of their physical strength. It is the mental toughness and emotional stability that separates those that are successful in reaching their goals from those that do not. When we look at the active lifestylers, we may also find, that those that have spent time on finding ways to control stress and balance their emotions, become the healthiest.

A training program or healthy lifestyle must include mental training and emotional balancing to be truly successful.

If you are an athlete or individual developing a healthy lifestyle, you need to explore the many tools available to you to build mental strength and control emotional stress. In the beginning you probably need to spend significant time working in these areas. They are just as important as your physical workout. Put adequate time aside each day to work with the tools that you feel comfortable with.

When it comes to mental training there are a few primary tools: Breathing exercises and meditation. Breathing exercises allow you to quite the conscious mind, help control heart rate, and balance certain emotions. There is no simpler way to increasing focus and performance than utilizing breathing exercises. It is the perfect method of bringing you into the moment, the now. You cannot reach 100% focus or performance without being in the moment. Ultimately, the best is to combine both breathing exercises and meditation, because they both work on different areas of your mental fitness. Meditation provides a bit more long term mental, emotional, and physical strength because it helps build the root of each element. Everything about you and around you manifests from your mental state; physical expression is the last realm of expression. Mental thoughts control your emotions and your physical body.

Both of these tools take commitment. Do not expect to implement them and see results in a day or a week. It has taken you a lifetime to this point to develop the mental conditions you possess and no method removes them quickly. For those that are willing to invest in mental training, they will find success in their sport and their health. Utilize these tools; after all, they’re free!!!

©2014 Debra Meszaros, ClubMX All rights reserved; no duplication without permission.
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