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By: Debra Meszaros
Body Performance Coach- ClubMX
Want to reshape your body? Reduce fat in a problem area?
The exercise and fitness market says you can, however, researchers examining studies claim this to be the largest weight loss myth.
Advertising dollars have been spent for decades showing products and programs that will allow you to focus on a particular area of the body to spot reduce fat. One popular theory used is if you have some excess belly fat you wish to remove, and your wish is to have washboard abs, you can perform some abdominal sit-ups or stomach crunches. After all you are exercising the area where the fat is, so it seems to make sense that’s where the fat will burn off. Advertising dollars may be able to convince your mind that that’s the way it is, but your body is laughing the whole time. Fact is, you cannot choose the area of the body you wish to burn fat, and in many cases the only area that’s smaller is your wallet!
The truth is you can be successful at reducing body fat if you understand the synergy that is involved. You are a whole being, not various separate systems, and how fat distribution, storage, and loss occurs, has a genetic tie. You are genetically predetermined to store fat in a particular area. There’s little one can do to change one’s genetic code but there is something you can do about overall fat reduction. The human body was designed to be lean and there are simple steps to get you there.
Body fat management begins with exercise but the degree of exercise is determined by metabolism. Slower metabolism, more exercise. Studies do show that increasing the blood flow to the targeted area of fat loss, only aids the body in breaking down the triglycerides (fats) stored there, but guarantees no result. Reducing overall body fat is the only way to target fat loss. Reduction occurs when metabolism exceeds calorie intake, but I warn you to tread carefully here, too few calories can have the opposite affect. Your body needs nutrition and with depleted soils and commercial farming, meeting those needs can be difficult. Cutting out food is not the answer, adding quality nutrition and returning your body to its proper metabolic state is.
Fine tuning human metabolics involves some self awareness, pay attention to yourself; pay attention to what you eat. Start the morning with protein and quality fats and forget the simple carbs, fruits, and sugars. Elevated blood sugar levels force your liver to produce fat. Your body wants to burn fat as its energy but give it sugar and you reverse this process as well as affect your leptin receptors, which makes the body call for more food. Exercising in the morning is best, this will release fat into the bloodstream and as long as you do not consume fruits and sugars, your body will burn the released fat. Watch for sugar hiding in milk, yogurt, and other foods. Fruit juices and soda pop are just sugar and sugar equals fat. Most grains transpose too quickly to sugar in the body and when trying to manage body fat, reducing or eliminating grains from the diet can be helpful in resetting your metabolics. Balance your dietary food groups: nuts and seeds, fleshes [meats and fish], quality fats, and add plenty of vegetables. Balance your food intake throughout your day and avoid eating one large meal.
©2013 Debra Meszaros All rights reserved; no duplication without permission.
DISCLAIMER: When you read through the diet and lifestyle information, you must know that everything within it is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. I am making no attempt to prescribe any medical treatment. You should not use the information here for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. The products and the claims made about specific products have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Confirm the safety of any supplements with your M.D., N.D. or pharmacist (healthcare professional). Some information given is solely an opinion, thought and or conclusion based on experiences, trials, tests, assessments or other available sources of information. I do not make any guarantees or promises with regard to results. I may discuss substances that have not been subject to double blind clinical studies or FDA approval or regulation. You assume the responsibility for the decision to take any natural remedy.
You and only you are responsible if you choose to do anything with the information you have read. You do so at your own risk. I encourage you to make your own health decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
Targeted Fat Reduction: Fantasy or Reality?
March 25 2013
Targeted Fat Reduction: Fantasy or Reality?By: Debra Meszaros
Body Performance Coach- ClubMX
Want to reshape your body? Reduce fat in a problem area?
The exercise and fitness market says you can, however, researchers examining studies claim this to be the largest weight loss myth.
Advertising dollars have been spent for decades showing products and programs that will allow you to focus on a particular area of the body to spot reduce fat. One popular theory used is if you have some excess belly fat you wish to remove, and your wish is to have washboard abs, you can perform some abdominal sit-ups or stomach crunches. After all you are exercising the area where the fat is, so it seems to make sense that’s where the fat will burn off. Advertising dollars may be able to convince your mind that that’s the way it is, but your body is laughing the whole time. Fact is, you cannot choose the area of the body you wish to burn fat, and in many cases the only area that’s smaller is your wallet!
The truth is you can be successful at reducing body fat if you understand the synergy that is involved. You are a whole being, not various separate systems, and how fat distribution, storage, and loss occurs, has a genetic tie. You are genetically predetermined to store fat in a particular area. There’s little one can do to change one’s genetic code but there is something you can do about overall fat reduction. The human body was designed to be lean and there are simple steps to get you there.
Body fat management begins with exercise but the degree of exercise is determined by metabolism. Slower metabolism, more exercise. Studies do show that increasing the blood flow to the targeted area of fat loss, only aids the body in breaking down the triglycerides (fats) stored there, but guarantees no result. Reducing overall body fat is the only way to target fat loss. Reduction occurs when metabolism exceeds calorie intake, but I warn you to tread carefully here, too few calories can have the opposite affect. Your body needs nutrition and with depleted soils and commercial farming, meeting those needs can be difficult. Cutting out food is not the answer, adding quality nutrition and returning your body to its proper metabolic state is.
Fine tuning human metabolics involves some self awareness, pay attention to yourself; pay attention to what you eat. Start the morning with protein and quality fats and forget the simple carbs, fruits, and sugars. Elevated blood sugar levels force your liver to produce fat. Your body wants to burn fat as its energy but give it sugar and you reverse this process as well as affect your leptin receptors, which makes the body call for more food. Exercising in the morning is best, this will release fat into the bloodstream and as long as you do not consume fruits and sugars, your body will burn the released fat. Watch for sugar hiding in milk, yogurt, and other foods. Fruit juices and soda pop are just sugar and sugar equals fat. Most grains transpose too quickly to sugar in the body and when trying to manage body fat, reducing or eliminating grains from the diet can be helpful in resetting your metabolics. Balance your dietary food groups: nuts and seeds, fleshes [meats and fish], quality fats, and add plenty of vegetables. Balance your food intake throughout your day and avoid eating one large meal.
©2013 Debra Meszaros All rights reserved; no duplication without permission.
DISCLAIMER: When you read through the diet and lifestyle information, you must know that everything within it is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. I am making no attempt to prescribe any medical treatment. You should not use the information here for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. The products and the claims made about specific products have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Confirm the safety of any supplements with your M.D., N.D. or pharmacist (healthcare professional). Some information given is solely an opinion, thought and or conclusion based on experiences, trials, tests, assessments or other available sources of information. I do not make any guarantees or promises with regard to results. I may discuss substances that have not been subject to double blind clinical studies or FDA approval or regulation. You assume the responsibility for the decision to take any natural remedy.
You and only you are responsible if you choose to do anything with the information you have read. You do so at your own risk. I encourage you to make your own health decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.