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Healthy Fats, and Their Association With Weight Loss

September 11 2012

Healthy Fats, and Their Association With Weight Loss

By: Debra Meszaros- CSN

Can you imagine if you really didn’t get fat from eating too much and not exercising?
Or that you don’t get fat from eating fat?

Although it may seem impossible, taking a closer look at the chemical reactions of the body might just prove these statements correct.

The modern manufacturing of food has slowly guided us in a dietary direction further from our human roots. As a society we eat more food than ever before. Why? Is it because we practice dietary habits that create cascading chemical reactions in our body making us hungry and craving sweets? If so, how can we rebalance the body’s chemistry and reset the human metabolism back to its original design?

It is no doubt that food choices are the basis of rebalancing, but the information we have been hand fed to believe as healthy and unhealthy to the body are not lining up with human body function. The statement that everyone, including athletes, must consume sugar, cereal, bread, potatoes, and even pasteurized milk, to keep their bodies from crashing is misguided advice. These are unhealthy carbohydrates. Carbohydrate intake directly determines your body’s fat ratio! Obesity can be traced to processed grains, including whole grains, and sugars, especially forms of fructose. How and why?

As in all body functions, an enzyme plays a role in weight management. Interestingly fructose is the dietary component that activates an enzyme that stimulates the body to accumulate fat in your cells. This happens in animals as well as humans. Overeating and excess weight are usually a result of improper diet, not eating too many calories, but calories from the wrong dietary source. Unhealthy carbohydrates develop a reaction in the body which is often expressed in the form of high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar levels and triglycerides, increased LDL, and decreased HDL. Fruit IS healthy but still contains fructose, and is one of the reasons I usually suggest no more than two pieces of fruit per day. Fructose turns off the body’s appetite control system and if you’re an individual that seems to need more than 3 servings of food per day, you are not reaching the dietary needs of your body by obtaining 50-70% of your diet in healthy fats.

When it comes to human metabolism, fat is the preferred fuel. Saturated fats are a primary factor in promoting weight loss, and for the most part, the opposite of what you’ve been told. Healthy fats are avocados, egg yolks, coconut oil, olives, unheated olive oil, palm oil, unheated organic nut oils, sprouted nuts, and raw grass fed organic butter (unheated). Unhealthy fats are of course all trans fats, any highly processed and genetically engineered oils like: corn, canola, and soy oils. Look at the foods you purchase closely, often you will find these unhealthy fats in your foods.

Managing dietary carbohydrates indirectly manages your health and body performance. As you remove unhealthy carbohydrates from your diet, you will need to increase the amount of vegetables [complex, healthy carbohydrates] to maintain proper balance. A person exercising hard on a daily basis should pay close attention to feedback that the body normally sends out and adjust your diet accordingly. Once you re-set your body back to its nutritional roots of fat burning, it is likely that you will experience a balance in weight, sustained energy, and overall better health.

In the most recent studies, a very interesting fact surfaced, that no amount of exercise can offset the health damage done by a diet excessive in grains and sugars.

©2012 Debra Meszaros All rights reserved; no duplication without permission.
DISCLAIMER: When you read through the diet and lifestyle information, you must know that everything within it is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. I am making no attempt to prescribe any medical treatment. You should not use the information here for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. The products and the claims made about specific products have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Confirm the safety of any supplements with your M.D., N.D. or pharmacist (healthcare professional). Some information given is solely an opinion, thought and or conclusion based on experiences, trials, tests, assessments or other available sources of information. I do not make any guarantees or promises with regard to results. I may discuss substances that have not been subject to double blind clinical studies or FDA approval or regulation. You assume the responsibility for the decision to take any natural remedy.
You and only you are responsible if you choose to do anything with the information you have read. You do so at your own risk. Use your intelligence to make the decisions that are right for you. Consulting a naturopathic doctor is strongly advised especially if you have any existing disease or condition.