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Weekly Nutrition Tip: Supporting Adrenaline

June 12 2012

Supporting Adrenaline Addiction (Motocross racing)

By: Debra Meszaros-CSN

No doubt, all of us that race know we are addicted to the adrenaline release we get from our sport. We are adrenaline junkies and we love it! When that adrenaline is pumping, we are feeling great even if we just crashed or riding with an injury. But what happens to our body after that adrenaline rush is over?

The adrenal glands sit atop our kidneys and release adrenaline. They are our greatest asset and perhaps the most important thing we need to support and protect as racers. So much focus is placed on the heart and its importance within the human body, but the heart is a muscle and we can train to build up our cardio function. We cannot do the same with our adrenal glands. There is really only one approach to strengthening your adrenals; it comes in the form of optimal nutrition, adrenal fuel. Filling the body up with high octane before and after training sessions and races can help relieve some of the stress we put these glands through.

How to build high octane adrenal fuel?

The recipe for adrenal fuel is quite simple, there are two primary components: Vitamin C and all of your Vitamin B's; secondary components are magnesium, potassium, and zinc. These are the nutritional elements your body burns and filling your "body tank" with these nutrients provide excellent adrenal support and help you avoid adrenal fatigue. Symptoms of adrenal fatigue are: allergies, digestive problems, fatigue, emotional imbalances, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), lack of stamina, loss of motivation or initiative, low blood pressure, feeling of being overwhelmed, progressively poorer athletic performance, sensitivity to light, low thyroid function that does not respond to treatment, alcoholism, drug addictions, and decreased sexual interest/performance. Seems silly not to fill your tank doesn't it?

Long term adrenal stress.

When you start racing in your early years you are young, vibrant and your body has not yet been through years of abuse, you still feel pretty good. Then you reach your twenties, start feeling different, by the time you reach forty you hit a brick wall and blame everything you have going on, on your age or hereditary genes. Instead of your health being in a preventive or maintenance mode, you are in therapeutic mode trying to reverse time; an uphill battle. With a little planning, it does not have to be this way.

Sometimes at even an early age adrenal stress can affect neurological function. Continued adrenal stress without adequate support can do damage to neurons which can decrease your ability to think and remember things. Often you'll struggle with taking short term memories and developing them into long term memories and the ability to recall and retrieve information declines.

Increase your adrenal function.

If you happen to be an individual that seems to gravitate towards coffee, soft drinks, and sugar to feel better, chances are you have adrenal distress, and this kind of dietary habit will only deplete adrenal function further. Supplying the body with B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, animal Omega 3 (like krill oil), selenium, sodium, zinc, and phosphatidylserine will help the body avoid adrenal burnout; maybe even extend your racing career.

-2012 Debra Meszaros All rights reserved; no duplication without permission.
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You and only you are responsible if you choose to do anything with the information you have read. You do so at your own risk. Use your intelligence to make the decisions that are right for you. Consulting a naturopathic doctor is strongly advised especially if you have any existing disease or condition.